Seven thirty, every other Saturday night, a beige ford estate car would pull into the church car park, laden with everything a hormone ridden adolescent needed to guarantee an evening of ecstasy.
Well, almost everything.
It contained two record decks, a pair of wood effect speakers, a string of flashing Christmas tree lights, a glitter ball, a slide projector that threw blurred images from a lava lamp onto the peeling wall paper, a cardboard box full of the very latest 45s, and a bloke with a pageboy haircut, red glasses, a waistcoat, a cravat and a string of plastic love beads, who at weekends disappeared into a red phone-box as Ron, the timid jobbing electrician, and emerged as 'Rocking Ronnie - the demon of the decks'.
All that was needed now was a gaggle of girls and a bottle of cider, purchased from the offy by the one kid in the class who could grow a moustache, and the world was your oyster. Or your Vesta boil-in-the-bag curry, at least.
It was something to look forward to.
And now the glamour has all gone. Because now you find mobile discos absolutely everywhere.
You simply can't avoid having your ears assaulted by the bloody things. Just walk past any one of our charming English traffic jams and you'll hear what I mean.
In fact, you don't even need to walk past one. Stick you head out of the window now and I'll guarantee that you'll get the message. Delivered at about four hundred decibels.
And it's not just rap boys in jacked up Ford escorts that are determined to announce their presence by attempting to rattle your eyeballs out of their sockets. Now every bastard's at it.
If you ever wondered what an unholy jam session between Pavarotti, Abba, Frank Sinatra, Motorhead, Puff Daddy, Dizzee Rascal and Glen Cambell would sound like, simply seek out your nearest traffic queue.
Actually, don't waste your energy on the walk. Simply turn your radio up full and spin the tuner randomly, while banging repeatedly with a lump hammer on a saucepan placed over your head and you'll get the idea.
Don't get me wrong - I like music. All sorts of music. I just don't want it thrust down my lugholes with such ferocity that I end up spitting out all of my fillings, drenched in boiling blood, before I get to the tube station.
And if it's that ear-splitting on the outside, what the hell must it be like on the inside? How do these people stay alive? Why don't their bones vibrate to dust and leave a lifeless sack of organs clamped beneath the seat belt?
And how on earth can you drive with all that racket going on? Come to think of it, I know the answer to that one. Like an arsehole.
The truth is, none of them are actually playing music for their own enjoyment. They're saying, 'Look at me!.... Look at me!' See my nice car… hear how hip I am, or how classy I am, or how different I am…
Well guess what? We don't care. We don't give a shit if you idolize the latest crack addict who's managed to rhyme whore with bedroom floor. We don't care if you can hum every bar of Beethoven's fifth sodding symphony. We don’t give a toss if you can religiously recite some indie idol's dismal sixth form poetry. We're not impressed that you stubbornly reject modern trends and cling hopelessly to your old Led Zeppelin records. And we'd rather that you saved your sing-along to the sound track of Mama Mia for your pink tiled bathroom (as long as you don't live next door).
We just want to walk the streets in peace, listening to the birds sing.
And no, I don't mean Girls-a-bloody-loud.